Celebration Pyrotechnics are experts at designing firework displays for weddings and parties and can advise you on all aspects of how to round off your day with a spectacular burst of pyrotechnic activity. A firework display can really create a wonderful touch to any wedding day or party celebrations. You can have a bespoke tailor-made display to suit your event and venue, fired and timed to your requirements.

Our professional team is available to deliver the perfect finale to your celebration. Be it a breathtaking aerial show, a stunning low-noise spectacular, atmospheric pyro-animation or dramatic avenues of silver fountains, you can have it all on your special day.

Fireworks at different weddings

We will be delighted to incorporate any wedding colour themes or favourite effects that you might have into the design, or to choreograph the show to your favourite piece of music.

We are able to create personalised firework lancework such as names, messages or initials in a red heart, or fire volleys of red heart shaped aerial shell bursts.

Firework displays are what we love all day every day! The principles we apply to our large public shows, with uncompromising design and electronic multi-site firing, translate perfectly to enable us to create the finest display for any private celebration.

Simply let us know your date, venue and any special requests and we will be pleased to guide you with our recommendations on what will create the best possible show for you and your guests.